
The app for independent voices

Me explaining my ideas about theology to God

historic allies take note of our ongoing journey toward the dark side

If you’re trying to figure out why the youth are becoming Catholic, I recommend the radical strategy of seeing how they explain their own decision. And there could be no better place to start than

’s guest post for Reformation Catholicism!!

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The ‘humble, hidden event,’ and wishin’ for a commission

I just got back from teaching my class and every word of it this is true, this is no exaggeration. He is writing from an American university but it is exactly the same in Canada.

The average college student today

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A reference guide for the 21 Ecumenical Councils! This took me entirely too long to put together, but I hope it’s extremely helpful in your study!

From Nicaea to Vatican II: A Reference Guide to the Church’s 21 Ecumenical Councils

Did the Jews kill Jesus?

Literally speaking, no. The Romans performed the crucifixion. But the crowd and the leaders in Jerusalem were clearly baying for blood. Pilate gave them what they wanted, despite his better instincts (and those of his wife. Let that be a lesson to you, gentlemen).

The argument that “Jerusalem crowd + leaders ≠ Jews as a whole” is so obvious as to need no elaboration.

One of the less considered implications of “thuh jooz diddit” is that Pilate escapes deserved blame. He tried to wash his hands and blame it all on the tough crowd, but the fact remains: he had the authority* to pass judgement, and he imposed the capital sentence on Jesus. If he was just a victim of a dastardly plot by (((locals))), he would escape the opprobrium that he deserves.

* authority given, as Jesus pointed out, from above

I was recently informed that it is antisemitic to believe that the Jews killed Christ*. When I pushed back, saying it should be a fairly non-controversial reading of the Gospels, I was told that it is “a common antisemitic trope”, as if that answered everything.

So, I guess I'm an antisemite now. Nice to know.

On the other hand, language i…

11 Replies
1 Restack
Mar 20
6:55 AM