Let me explain how I understand group judgmentalism - and groups of human beings in general.

Whenever we judge people by their group instead of individually we are wrong to do so. The reason is because people in groups are not all the same. Therefore, we are not judging based on truth. More typically, we are judging based on stereotypes of people in the group. Group judgmentalism is always wrong no matter how the group is put together.

We are going to put people in groups, but it is the judging part that is harmful. "All white people are racist" is a group judgment that is itself racist - and cannot possibly be truth. Group judgmentalism is never good for society or human relations.

We also cannot judge groups of people when they are members of the group of their own free will.

Let's take something like a group of Christians. Are they all good people or bad people based on their group? No one could possibly say with certainty one way or another. It is almost certain that there are good and bad people in every group therefore a group judgment that all Christians are bad is wrong - even though they chose to be Christians.

Group judgmentalism of individuals is wrong - period. Judge every individual by their unique individual character and not by any group characteristic.

Lastly, it is important to remember that group judgmentalism in this context only applies to individuals in the group, not the group entity itself. A group as an entity is also not defined completely by a minority of members of the group since every group of human beings will have bad people in it. Groups are defined by the primary purpose of the group.

Jul 18, 2023
12:02 AM