What you have itemised are sensible and generally hermeneutic possible causes, and yet I find a common thread throughout the first three:

(1) the malevolent Jewish central bank owners parasitising off humanity,

(2) the egalitarianism rooted in Christianity that allowed this parasitical system to develop,

(3) humanity's trends toward ever-increasing centralization and decrease of autonomy and privacy,

The common thread is Jewish apocalyptic end times prophecy, which is nothing but a prophecy deception of the priest class, the nation of priests, Yahweh's chosen people. It is ultimately about imposing a one-world religion, a theological dictatorship and total hegemony, with all of the world worshiping the one God of Israel, the jealous God of Zion who will destroy all ‘pagan idol worship,’ all other competing religions around the world and have dominion, to subdue the nations with his Messiah. The role of the Messiah is to conquer the nations for the God of Israel. Christianity and Islam fulfilled this goal, and the rabbis all brag about it, because Christians and Muslims are following the prophecies as a script with their end times beliefs that are helping the nation of priests achieve their prophecies. All of the nations will bow down as well as, as in Isaiah 45, Isaiah 60, 61, 62, all of it about conquering the nations, the wealth of the nations will flow to Zion. As the end times prophecy of Zechariah 8:23 says, that in those days, people from all languages and nations will take firm hold of the Jew by the hem and say, let us go with you because we have heard that God is with you. That is the end times goal. All of the world worship in the one world religion through the Messiah. Christianity and Islam helped accomplish that. This is the consensus view in Orthodox Judaism. Their most important sage rabbi Moses ben Maimonides explicitly said this. Christianity is a myth. It was devised by Jews. It's a deception meant to enable the theological dominion over the world.

Judaism is less a faith than a geopolitical project of a supremacist, literally hysterical, highly-incestuous cult promoting a Jewish master race. It is an apocalyptic death cult.

The ‘malevolent Jewish central bank owners,’ as you put it so delicately, have vast power and influence because they control the money in all nations, and this is what makes things happen in their favor. It is this power and influence that ensures that a Zionist is appointed to most key government and bureaucracy positions. It is what most economically explains the disproportionate presence of Zionist Jews in U.S. government, and indeed the harpy Chrystia Freeland as Canadian deputy prime minister, minister of finance, and actually minister of everything in Canada. It was the malevolent Jewish bankers as a group, and most significantly the Rothschilds, who had Israel carved out of formerly Ottoman Palestine. There are ample allegations and more that a little evidence that malevolent Jewish bankers made substantial financial contributions to the Nazi Germany project from 1929 onwards, which can be construed as a pretext for the creation of Israel by diktat. It is the power of the Jewish bankers still that ensures the aligned nations’ at the very least tacit ideological agreement with, while providing financial and military support for the Greater Israel project of Netanyahu / Likud and Chabad Lubavitch which currently being carried out.

Accordingly, as described, your points 1) through to 3) are essentially connected, if not the very same cause.

2 Replies
2:00 AM
Oct 22