Here is my theory about progressivism: it is a “Relationship Built on Self Interest.” It is exactly what Alinsky says it is: a way for people who want power to organize. It brings them together around the oldest human pleasure other than sex: ganging up on your enemies. It lets them rationalize this ruthless, carnivorous activity as a philanthropic cause. But the real attraction is the thrill of power and victory—sometimes with a little money thrown in.
Mencius Moldbug, An Open Letter to Open-Minded Progressives
Radical feminists tend to be the most hostile to men, but they are also very marginal and don’t have much mainstream influence. Also, a lot of them are salty old lesbians who are honestly kinda funny when they’re not being a total killjoy.
Liberal feminists are more pro-sex and supposedly egalitarian, but they are also behind all those annoying lean-in women in STEM initiatives. They think sex work is empowering. They are the ones who will use therapy speak to tell you that patriarchy hurts men …
I would place money on the bet that a very large fraction of the signatories of this silly letter are silly women and people of diversity LARPing as sober scientists, whose primary professional activities are complaining about suffering from imposter syndrome and agitating for more women and people of diversity to be recruited into the s…
The price to pay for the so-called “feminisation of intellectual institutions” (which is true, by the way) is the absolute castration of men. In my opinion, one of the main purposes of men is to protect women. I’m sorry to say this, but they have completely failed in fighting troons among TERFs. I don’t buy into the “silent majority” excuse. Man the fuck up. If you have mothers, wives, daughters, and sisters, this is your fight too.
A mother who stands by a man who abuses her daughter embodies the cruellest betrayal.
Mothers might not be saints but they can choose not to be psychopaths.