

Admin: We noticed you may not be getting all the views you hoped for. Wouldn’t you like to buy a subscription from us to help you get around the algorithm that we created?


Writer #1: Hey, I can see you’re just starting out here. Let me see what I can whip up… ½ cup of taking the time to read your work, 2 tbsp of sharing your work with my huge network, a sprinkle of interactions on your notes, … and poof! 🧚‍♂️ Better now? ✨

Writer #2: Psst. Hey. I noticed your posts aren’t visible under your profile. Is that intentional? If not, heres a little list of possible things it might be. And some detailed step-by-step instructions I whipped up for you real quick so you can troubleshoot and fix it. 🤠Better now? ✨


To ALL the people (and a couple o’ downright heroes!) here who have been so supportive, welcoming, and generous, thank you. ❤️


EDIT: To all of those NEWBIES like me who have commented or messaged wishing for more support or community for those of us groping in the dark and trying to find our way…I created a new space for us! Please come and join me at Newbie News and lets build something together! 💕…

Newbie News
Herrrrrre newbie, newbie. Finally, the community where knowing nothing means you're the star of the show.