I think the odds are against young working people meeting in real life. In an aging society, there aren’t likely to be many members of the opposite sex around in your everyday life or workplace. Once you look for the same ethnicity and religion, the odds get worse. You also don’t want to poison the well.

I also found in my single days that clubs and churches were frustrating and difficult. Single attractive women rarely showed up. (Attractive and attached women were more likely to show, in line with your article.)

Incidentally the Catholic Church doesn’t organize dating sites or events, but sites such as Catholic Match existed in the day. The number of local participants in those sites was very limited. Some young adult groups also organize speed dating events or other social events. However your average Sunday churchgoer is not too likely to join these events or a specialized site, so you’re likely to get a more intense crowd.

Mar 21
4:57 AM