In the July 2020 article he wrote for USA TODAY, Dr. Kory tells us 1) MASKS 2) TESTING and TRACING ( "the imbalance between testing and tracing resources vs infections"), and 3) LOCKDOWNS ("not feasible in the open democracy of our country" (i.e. we can't use them only because American society won't allow it because we are a democracy - We're a constitutional republic, Dr. Kory...)) all work, displaying a profound lack of understanding of the principles involved in the transmission of a respiratory virus transmitted by aerosols and yet people elevate him to "expert" status and buy his book enough to get it on best seller lists, pay to subscribe to his substack by the thousands, send donations to the FCCC group, and put him on committees and panels and invite him to Covid summits to sit next to Bret Weinstein who thought lockdowns were so helpful, our only mistake was not starting them sooner and enforcing them more ruthlessly.

Dr. Kory was wrong on everything. He also had people on ventilators which displays a complete lack of understanding of the pathophysiology of Covid. For the umteenth time, Covid is a disease of the vascular endothelium; a vascular endotheliitis. This causes the clotting we see with this disease because blood flow is disrupted by the spike protein-induced damage done to the vascular endothelium and resulting inflammation thereof in and around the innermost lining of the blood vessels. causing the walls of these small vessels to swell, thus reducing the size of the lumen. These two effects decrease blood flow into the lungs . This is problematic because you want unimpeded blood flow into the lungs so that blood can get rid of its CO2 and pick up oxygen.

Putting people on ventilators is the EXACT OPPOSITE of what you should do because the positive pressure coming from the ventilator reduces flow into the lungs even further. This caused 85% of the people put on ventilators to die from the biggest nothing burger to ever hit the airwaves. When we switched to high flow oxygen by nasal cannula, that mortality rate dropped to 15%.

OK enough of that. We're talking about how someone who could be wrong on EVERYTHING could be elevated to "expert" status and sell books all over the world , have thousands of paid subscribers on his substack, get donations to his FCCC thing and appear on every committee and panel with a track record that reveals he understood nothing about Covid while myself and Dr. Yeadon can't get on a single major platform for an interview and sold only 1,000 books on our first run and in my case have only 40 paid subscribers while being right about everything.

Please tell us why you have done this, society. Why?

PS as long as everyone (except for Sage who started this much-needed series, "Here is Your Expert") is going to hate me for coming down on society for accusing them of admiring the clothing of naked emperors, I will bring up one more thing that makes me mad and is going to lead to your demise if another fake pandemic comes along. It is this: Please STOP CHANGING HISTORY!

As predicted, people are now saying, "I knew the China 'Falling Man' videos were fake"- not if the comments below the 2020 release date tell us anything...- and "I always knew masks and lockdowns wouldn't work". Those people are changing history to make themselves look good for some reason. Of course it makes them look terrible because if they really knew these things didn't work, where the hell were they? As I've said before, that's the first thing you should ask someone who claims to have been right from the beginning. "IF YOU KNEW THIS, WHY DIDN'T YOU SPEAK UP? WHERE ARE YOUR VIDEOS AND POSTS?" because knowing and not saying anything is WAY WORSE than not knowing. It puts you into the evil category and I hope everyone out there would rather be in the "didn't understand the electromagnetic spectrum enough to know masks wouldn't work" category than the "I knew masks and lockdowns couldn't work but I wanted to see poor and middle class people suffer on a massive scale" category. That group is the Klaus Schwalb "no one is safe until we're all safe", US Government for sure pushing the vaccines with free lottery tickets and free donuts, Rachel Maddow and the MSNBC hosts, Don Lemon and the CNN hosts, Rochelle Walensky and Anthony Fauci "if you get the vaccine, you can't get the virus and you can't transmit it to anyone, Bill Gates "we're not going to get back to normal until everyone in the world gets the vaccine", Central Bankers and US DOD- evilest category.

In fairness to everyone, I think you strongly suspected these things wouldn't work but didn't know how to prove it. Knowing vs suspecting/believing: very important distinctions. Knowing means you can prove it. Suspecting means you believe it to be true but you cannot prove it. An entire branch of philosophy is dedicated to this problem. It is called epistemology and you can't be a critical thinker without understanding its tenets.

I KNOW Sage's "Here is Your Expert" group didn't KNOW anything because they couldn't prove masks, lockdowns, tracing and vaccines worked. How did I/do I KNOW they couldn't prove any of these things worked? Because I could prove they didn't work, and DID prove these things. How these doctors could have gone to medical school and still fared worse than flipping a coin on these questions of major importance boggles the mind but how the public could have been fooled by them is even more mind-boggling.

You have shown yourselves to completely lack critical thinking skills. Let's face it, if you really "knew" masks and lockdowns didn't work, when you read and heard Dr. Kory believed they did work, why would you have paid to subscribe to his substack and bought his books and donated to the FCCC and sat by while he put covid patients on ventilators, and...and...? We all need to learn. I hope you have learned from screwing up this time and will not make the same mistakes next time because there WILL be a next time if we don't prosecute the perpetrators who put us through hell this time.

Here is your Expert #4: Dr. Pierre Kory. In July 2020, Kory warned about "maskless presymptomatic 'super spreaders'."
Dec 24, 2023
6:50 AM