
Just had Covid for the 2nd time(non-vaxxed) I thought it was just a cold as my wife was ill about 4 or 5 days before me and she tested negative (with an at home test). Then, we saw my parents briefly on a Sunday and 3 days later they tested positive for Covid (rapid PCR). So, my wife and I took another home test and yes, it was positive. We both had it in December last year. Mine was a relatively mild case then but I did have minor body aches, intermittent chills and fatigue. This time, there …

The home tests are junk. I tested once back in Nov 2020 to confirm my diagnosis so I would have a pretty damn good excuse to refuse the jab. I refuse to ever test again unless mandated.

Mine was mandated (not a law). A employer cannot force that on you. I was sent home after 23 years. By the way, I haven’t been sick in about 15 years. I don’t get sick. Maybe it’s all the vitamin D, C, Zinc, Quercitin, NAC, Glutathione, Selenium, Magnesium, etc., exercise, sunshine...I also haven’t had any vaccines (real ones) or any flu shots. I’m 59 years old.

Keep up the good work! My husband and I are about your age and are on a very similar supplement plan. No shots since childhood except one tetanus about 25 years ago

It’s amazing the information that has been literally, hidden from people! Damn I get angry! People don’t have to be sick! And it’s really pushed on older people. Older people “were” the “salt of the Earth” and tough as hell! What happened? It’s up to older people to take care of themselves: lift weights, walk in sunshine, be in nature, etc. and screw the medical cartel! There are so many natural remedies out there!

Nov 23, 2022
7:07 PM