
My contribution to Macabre Mondays:

et al whom I can’t remember (sorry, newbie here). Please recap if needed.


Athena liked to get together with her friends and play board games all afternoon after school. At first, we thought they were innocent pass-time types with some kind of challenge involved. Boy, were we wrong! They started a club of Satan worshipers and had an entire library with authors like Carl William Hansen and others who dwelled in the occult. It took no time to notice the changes in her personality. She no longer participated in after-classes sport competitions, refused to even eat with us and many a times spoke in tongues and got furious at us because we couldn't make out what she was saying. As parents, we were at a loss. She was just 16. We couldn't allow her strange behaviour to continue. So, we decided to take her to a psychologist. To say she hated the idea is an understatement. The night before her appointment, she shaved her gorgeous mane. Then, a friend drew some cryptic words in Latin. She also painted her face with scary war symbols and skulls. But the session went well, even though she didn't say a word. On the way back, as we got close to home, she said, “I wouldn't want to be in your shoes tonight.” 

I replied, in annoyance, “Be careful what you say, young lady!”

“Whatever. Just wait and see.”

And that was that. Her dad was already too upset to say anything.

We all had dinner, except for her, of course. Her brother tried to get her to have some soup, at least. Amazingly, she agreed. As soon as it was served, she grabbed the bowl and threw it on his lap, boiling hot. Chaos ensued, and dinner was over for everybody. 

When the tension subsided, it was time to call it a day. And what a day it was. We couldn't wait to go to sleep. 

That night will forever remain in our memories. 

Strange noises—swishing sounds right inside our bedroom—woke us up. The lights were out, and we couldn't see a thing. 

As we turned them on, the most horrific spectacle was before us. 

The entire room teemed with thin, black snakes crawling everywhere. Hundreds of them. 

20 of them, at least, were scurrying on top of the bed.

We screamed in a panic, and as I looked up, there she was—Athena, staring at us from the open door of the room and yelling, “Hail Lucifer!!"
