
Worth a re-watch, just as relevant as it was a few years ago:

Ever notice how immediately at the beginning of the plandemic, doctors like Dr. Bryan Tyson were quickly figuring out how to effectively treat patients at home, at low cost?:

Some people have BitChute blocks, here’s another source:…

Dr. Vladimir Zelenko (…), Dr. Peter McCullough (…), Dr. Richard Bartlett… sorry, I’ll have to upload this one to Odysee (, Dr. Sankara Chetty (…), and many, many other doctors quickly figured out how to fairly easily get patients to inexpensively treat themselves from their own homes, and to keep these out of hospitals, out of any harm.

Ever notice something else? These plandemic exercises (Dark Winter, Crimson Contagion, Event 201, etc.) are only attended by heads of government, the military, CIA, media, etc., but NO DOCTORS with considerable hands-on experience “in the trenches”, so to speak, to advise as to how any certain type of virus/bacteria/ailment might be treated with inexpensive and/or repurposed drugs/treatments. Have you noticed that?

Has it perhaps occurred to you that these exercises and participants are more interested in messaging and control than health? After watching the last 3 years unfold and after seeing all such doctors mentioned at the beginning of this note censored, ridiculed, threatened, and having their certifications stripped, it should easily occur to you that the health outcomes of the populace are the last thing of concern in these exercise.

Messaging, control, perception, fear, ineffective solutions (leading to more fear) are the priorities, because it is upon the backs of these exercises-gone-live that the largest policy changes are made, as the Corbett video alludes to.

15 sec. video here:


It’s never been about your health people, time to awaken from the slumber.
