I am offering this question to my students as part of their final exam. The answer is tied to a Substack post. What would be your answer?
“Jorge Cortez is a guy who works hard and chooses to enjoy life. Single, Jorge works for a moving company, and the love of his life is the fall NFL season. A hard worker but employed at relatively low pay, Jorge’s passion is the Dallas Cowboys. Every home game, he treks to Arlington for a full day of tailgating, opponent taunting, and an embrace of the expense. Jorge spends a lot of money on Sunday. His meter of fun is pushed so high when attending games at AT&T stadium he had to move his church going to Saturday for the last four months of the year. No matter if he is lining the Jones family’s pockets, it is worth it to him. Some might think, “Wow, how can he afford it?” “Is that a good idea?” How do you judge Jorge’s spending? What economic concept made Jorge’s spending choice work for him?