I only heard about NRP from Morgothorak a couple of days ago complaining that it was an astro-turfed zionist operation.

Then I saw this article today in my feed and after skimming it, yeah, wow, pretty much every single personality named in the round-up is a You-Know-Who or sympathetic to them.

This does appear to be an info-network set up to become a kind of Alt-Lite 2.0. This is probably being organized ahead of the elections to help Trump get into office and start embracing a more expansionary Zionist policy in the ME.

I mean, just go down the list of the names named in order by the NRP in this one article:

Just look at the names in the order that he names them:

1) ZHPL (zionist)

2) peachy keenan (you-know-who-ish)

3) lomez (YKW)

4) steve bannon (shabbos zionist)

5) michael malice (ukrainian YKW)

6) richard spencer (gay fed)

And there’s yet more YKWish names sprinkled in there. All of them seem related to BAP and the Clairemont Institute, which I admit I know little about.

Now, what is strange is that even some of the people who they choose to highlight who might not be YKWish themselves are actually quite small here on Substack. It begs the question: why were they included in the list? Why are they officially part of this new “Dissident Right” and why are others not? What is the criteria for being included in this network of support?

As usual, we appear to have a controlled opposition forming in our midst.

This is to be expected. But what saddens me is that few seem to want to call them out or say “no” to the latest psyop here. Instead, writers can smell the money and support and are trying to brown-nose their way in. This is how our nations were originally subverted as well — by cowards and turncoats in our midst.

History repeats, but this time as a farce.

#153. World War T
May 17
6:58 AM