The app for independent voices

In Switzerland bakers in large grocery stores prepare bread in full sight, kneeding, braiding, and scoring it by hand. Would it be faster and more efficient to do by machine? Yes. But they decided to uphold tradition because people care about provenance - it matters where things come from and how they were made. This is as true for bread as it is for words.

Language is what makes us human. Once you abdicate part of the writing process to a soulless machine you compromise your voice. As a reader I want to read words and ideas that have been woven and crafted by a human. If I know that AI was used in the process, not only do I lose all interest, but the writer loses credibility in my eyes.

For me this door is firmly shut. I draft all articles by hand, type them up, print them out, read them through together with my husband Peco, edit them by hand again. 100% human-made. (Even the logo for School of the Unconformed was hand-drawn by my then 10-year old son).

Sep 8
9:55 PM