
I would love to start a conversation about GRIEF…Grief as a Doorway, a Portal… to what I wonder for you…

to Joy,

to Love,

to Freedom

to Connection

to inner truth and the otherworlds inside and outside of us

to the Dance within that at times has no music and yet craves to be danced…

What are your experiences on the Doorways that Grief opens?

What has been your own personal Dance with Grief?

Why do you think Grief is such a taboo topic in our society and how can we help change this way of being?

I would love what your hearts whispers about this…

Thank you for creating a beautiful space where stories, poems and writings of grief can be heard and shared.

And thank you also for sharing my personal piece on grief - DANCING WITH GRIEF - with you community.

“Thank you for being part of this compassionate and understanding community, where stories of grief, resilience, and hope come together to foster healing and connection.”
Dancing with Grief by Samantha Corrie