In February this year the CDC reported that 23% of over 18s had received their COVID booster. 45% of the over 65s had received theirs. That has likely risen given the continued state propaganda.
President Trump banned the Gender woo bullshit with the swish of a black marker pen, so what’s taking him so long banning the experimental vaccines that are still maiming and killing people of all ages?
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Today's lesson from the Almagro school - the Spanish hard Left’s loathing of the West and NATO goes back to 1945. I really had no idea but it makes sense. So Irene Montero looking even more swivel-eyed than usual in her latest videos has some context now. Thanks!
I don’t like my conclusions. I can’t fault my own logic. I’d sleep better if anyone can convincingly destroy the attempted reasoning I’ve used. Not happened yet.
The laser focus I detect on getting a digital, totalitarian control system in place doesn’t have an innocent interpretation, does it?
Thanks for this. Because depression has been talked about for so long as something chemically different and distinct from “just the blues,” I’ve never felt like I could use the “D word” to describe my own mental state. Somehow it felt like trespassing, or as if I were insulting those who had “real” depression. It’s nice to know that I can describe myself as depressed when that’s precisely what my mental state feels like, even though I know it’s transitory. It’s still miserable while it lasts, b…
Deeply appreciate the note Laurie. I feel exactly the same. I think nobody's helped by the bifurcation. 'Clinical depression' gets exoticized while 'the blues' (i.e. life sorrows) get dismissed - and neither side is able to effectively talk to each other. Something very liberating about moving away from the psychiatrists and back towards common sense. - Sam