
The cancer rates in the western countries were sky high even before the mass turbo cancer inducing mRNA goodness was rolled out. It's not food and it's not chemtrails. Two main drivers are vaccines (all of them) and the second most important one - diagnostic screening tests: mammograms, colonoscopies and prostate screening. The false positive rates are set on purpose extremely high. Mammogram positive is less than 10% real positive. So you can do the math. They false diagnose and then do surgery and chemo on healthy people, who would have never noticed otherwise that they have cancer. Because they don't have cancer, but their oncologist wants to get paid. It's disgusting. Do not do any cancer screening tests, and in general do not do any diagnostic screening tests. Only test when you actually have a health issue, and then get second opinion, or multiple. Research for yourself, do not follow your idiot doctor recommendations blindly. The system is designed to fuck you up and bill the government.

The Most Jabbed Countries in the World have the Highest Cancer Rates and it's a Landslide
Source: World Population Review. Australia: 462.5 vs. 35.9 Sierra Leone Cancer Rate per 100K