Democrats had hit bottom, many said. They hadn’t. The Dems’ favorability has hit a new record low of 29%. The Party is trapped between a base that wants trans sports, open borders, DEI, ESG, Ukraine war, and mass censorship, and swing voters who really, really don’t.
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Fetish is the right word. Asking a gun fetishist to voluntarily give up a gun is going to prove just as silly as asking a billionaire to give up his money. I think the pathology is the same.
Ralph Nader interviewed the great Hazel Henderson just before her recent death, and she referred to the “money meme”. But I think it’s more than that, it’s an irrational attachment to something that often leads to harmful behavior.
Some guys like to snuggle up to women’s shoes, others have more dangerous preferences. But call it a money meme or a gun fetish, it’s surely beyond the power of rational influence. And unfortunately, that usually implies force of some kind.