Your question of whether the three reflections would change my inclination today, to see the inner vastness, is interesting as due to weather conditions I am confined to a small writing sanctum. A box if you will, one in which I often feel constricted by its confines.
Reflecting on your words, being patient when my own wouldn't come, observing through the window the outer vastness of the natural world, turning back to the screen, I reflected on the inner vastness of this tiny box, filled with literature, some read, some passed on, some to yet be discovered, their secrets yet to be revealed, and then the vast world of ideas, contained during inception, unready to be released, while I hope for their conversation with me.
I will never see my box in the same way again!
I remember reading that particular edition of the Books That Made Us, I think my favourite and it did get me thinking about the idea of a book as a talisman. It was good to be reminded of that again, in addition to this extraordinary collaboration. Congratulations to all!