The app for independent voices

I’m using ChaptGPT to summarize my books into a comprehensive story bible. It’s working really well and sves about 80% of the time. Sometimes, the AI makes me laugh, like this summary of Ellie’s plight in “Doall’s DoOver”:

“In her original life, she fled to HuFleet, where she was recognized for her worth. However, in this timeline, she se…

Writing about things so tender is bewildering, but I hope in sharing this, it helps provide some tools to support the growing number of families impacted by Alzheimer’s disease.

My mother could have been her

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Lenten tension, velvet gloves, and watching ‘with love’

I AM UNDER CONTRACT! It is crazy and I still can’t believe it is actually happening, but Sophia Press is going to publish my next book (with Dan Burke!). Look for it Lent 2026 and subscribe for the full backstory coming soon…

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I could never post this one enough.

Some great points here.

I really like the idea of Trump as an inflection point for the various crises affecting capital. The contradiction of free-wheeling elite who know they are winning vs the material base they depend. Trump is history on hogback.

The point about capital and the deep state preferring the status quo needs a finer resolution. Capital and the deep state are not entirely in agreement. Both capital and the deep state aren't in agreement with themselves! I think we'll see an explosion of elite conflict in Trump's term based on his previous term and the internecine fights among his milieu in the current one. I learned recently that if you take the tech sector out of the stock market, the stock market hasn't actually grown, so tech is reining supreme because it can somehow come up with profits or at least drive capital movement. Recent developments in AI portend a collapse, which will shuffle the deck a bit.

I really like your overview of capital spreading throughout the globe. I've viewed it as a pipe that burst out of Europe and has been flooding the globe. Globalization is basically complete and capital now sloshes around trying to find the best deal, but it ultimately has no where else to go and I don't see space colonization as a solution anytime soon. Capital is running out of places to hide, but that means it will more forcefully exploit with the resources it has (like the American military).

Global capital as an anarchic whole isn't dumb though. They have to innovate exploitation. The liberal consensus that's held the contradictions in place is resolving, revealing the single-minded, profit-driven Terminator underneath.

Jan 28
1:58 AM