Simon Sweetman 

A freelance music writer until they cancelled music journalism. Here's my chance to share some of that love, but also get into movies, books, TV and my other obsessions. Plus my entire "Off The Tracks" blog archive of over 11,000 posts lives here!

A poem about ‘meeting’ Patrick Bateman

Poem: How I Met Patrick Bateman

Book launch news:

Book Launch: Saturday, November 9, 2024, 4.30pm

October’s poems

October Poetry Dump

Vol 6 of my C-90 mixtape series

Playlist: Tape Me Back To The Rivers of Belief, Vol. 6

Billy Cobham — the Bonham of jazz/funk?

Drummers You Just Can’t Beat: # 28 – Billy Cobham

Album review of the latest by The Necks

The Necks: Bleed
My Favourite Martial Arts Movie Ever

David Seymour’s Not Fancy

David Seymour’s Not Fancy

David Seymour and ACT’s sustained bullying of one of our greatest literary talents is utterly shameful.

I wonder where ACT get their ideas from? part 2
Playlist: Tape Me Back To The Rivers of Belief, Vol. 5
I wonder where ACT get their ideas from?