I participated in a 30 day note writing challenge called Substack Campfire.

Here’s what went down:

Day 15: Finally sitting down to start this challenge. The delay? Life threw a couple of curveballs my way. But here I am emotionally hungover & jetlagged, ready to dive in.

The dreaded blank page. I type 2 words, then a third. A sentence emerged! It's not exactly Pulitzer material, but it exists now, which is more than I could say 30 mins ago. I post my first campfire note introducing myself.

Day 17: A video today. Me tinkering with Asalatos, down with my 50th take, sighing more than breathing. But hey, I gotta put out a note. And done is better than perfect, so I post my 1st take in frustration (which was the best anyway).

Got a great response. :O I find myself in a ‘Truman Show’ moment. Turns out my rhythmic flailing is 'charming'. Thanks gang for the love! <3

Day 18: My note is a beautiful disaster - raw, unfiltered, probably with a typo. Hesitant but I still post it.

And then... someone comments. Not just a "you got this!" They get it. They really get it. and suddenly I feel seen. Connected. It's weird and wonderful and I might be tearing up a little. Don't tell anyone.

Day 21: I'm sprawled on my bed, scrolling through other camper’s notes like they're the last slice of pizza at 2 AM. These humans are so delightful. We're all fumbling through this challenge, spilling our guts onto Notes, and somehow it's creating this patchwork quilt of shared insanity.

I'm smiling at one post, nodding at another, and may or may not be ugly-crying at a third. My cat is judging me right now. This ain’t new for her.

Day 24: Reading through others' notes is becoming a highlight of my day. The diversity of thoughts, experiences, and writing styles is impressive. We're all approaching this challenge differently, and that's what makes it so enriching. 

Day 27: I’ve been writing a lot more. I'm starting to dream in Times New Roman. I’m not complaining.

Day 30: We did it! Thirty days of baring our souls. I'm exhilarated, and pretty sure I've developed a Pavlovian response to notification pings heh.

Learnings & Wins:

My writing has a heartbeat now. It's alive, kicking, and more intentional. I've discovered themes I want to explore further and a voice that feels authentically mine.

→ I started this challenge feeling a bit uncertain, dealing with personal challenges. I'm ending it with a sense of accomplishment and growth.

→ The connections I've made, the feedback I've received - it's all been invaluable. I have new friends on Substack yay 🥳

→ A celebrated author was sweet enough to offer featuring one of my notes in their newsletter. Yay!

→ We got to attend live sessions & trainings from Substack living legends, ending with Substack’s co-founder Hamish Mackenzie’s live, where I nodded vigorously to all his statements. GOAT. I am bought into his vision. Take my money!

Discovered great publications & writers

→ Got recommended by 2 pubs. WHAT! :O

→ 30 days of creativity, learning, and connection. From late nights pondering the right words, to breakthroughs, to the courage it takes to share our thoughts with the world, it was glorious!

So here's to every single one of us who dared to put our words out there. 

Massive thanks to

& for holding this camp & giving me the opportunity to be part of something so genuine.

I will miss sitting around the campfire. You all have my heart. <3

Please stay connected xx

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1 Restack
8:59 PM
Aug 2, 2024