
Hi everyone

They call me Snarkymuse

I'm well into my 60's and have

End Stage C.O.P.D..

9 years ago 2 doctors said I would not be among the living more than 5 years as a result of this disease.

I have no reason to lie to you,

There is enough of that going around already.

I wouldn't be doing my duty as a United States Citizen if I didn't at least give my opinion on how I see things at this time of my life.

My parents taught me to be nice until it was time not to be nice.

They taught me to tell the truth and that lies were something Cowards used to try and get their way or get noticed.

I have voted in every Presidential election going back to 1976 when being a peanut farmer wasn't a bad thing at all.

Every campaign that I've seen, each party slings mud at the other. Some times it sticks and some times it falls flat, it's nothing new.

The popular vote rarely wins and in the last 50 years Republicans haven't won the popular vote but still won the presidency.

Mainly because they know how to work the system or if you will,

"The Electoral college" and in 2020 they tried to win by using fake electors to cast the ballot the republican party wanted.

2024 will make no difference to their efforts. Only this year there is much more at stake and that is the very fabric of our Democracy may be ripped to shreds. Donald J Trump touts he will be Dictator on day one and that he will let Putin do what ever the hell he wants (his word not mine). Some of you are saying that you want to hold your vote because of what's happening in GAZA. If Trump is elected, you will be crying over a different country each year after until they declare the

"ONE WORLD GOVERNMENT". Democracy around the world will be lost. People, we just have to pick a different day to fight for what you want to happen. Right now it is our Democracy we need to fight for together.

The only way we have a chance to save Democracy is to vote, get your friends to vote, get your family to vote and offer them a ride to the polls if at all possible. This time we need to fight together, table your needs until after the election. After Joe and Kamala are re-elected, I will help you get the word out on your projects and concerns after the election (Nov. 5th. 2024).

Donald J Trump has a Gaffe Reel that would rival Fast n Furious series in length.

But today, The big news is that President Joe Biden lost his train of thought for 10 seconds in front of the entire world and you want to condemn him for it. Yet you think nothing of it when you walk into a room in your own house and forget why you went there. Should you be put in a nursing home because of it?

My God people, get a grip, it only makes him human.
