To all those who may be dooming or wildly rejoicing. This war is not between Russia and Ukraine. This is not even war, this is a special military operation and for good reason. Let me elaborate. First things first this struggle is between American empire and Russia, not Russia and the west, and certainly not Russia and Ukraine. The empire chose to precipitate matters maybe as an example for China or to have Russia defeated before attacking China. Regardless why, what was intended was for Russia…
Rick Hyne
just now
I believe your hypothesis is correct but I also believe the US cannot wait indefinitely and if the Democrats get a comfortable majority in Congress that some type of war declaration will be announced on both Russia and China.
The entire West is acting as if this will be over sooner than later.
What the citizens of Russia need to understand is that they need to defend their sovereignty. As stated, their land will be raped and pillaged. I'm sure bordering countries will expand th…
According to Scripture, Satan is the 'ruler of this world'; a point Christ did not dispute when tempted with 'ALL the kingdoms of the world' offered by Satan in the temptation in the desert. (Mathew 4:8) That is why Christ prayed his followers should be 'No part of the world' John 17:14.