
Government’s core business model is to take, drain out, funnel away. Without extorting the citizens, there is no cash flow.

Wanting to be left alone interferes with government’s core business model, which, in their backwards parlance, would cause them to perceive “wanting to be left alone” as “a threat to national security,” even though, under natural law,

is absolutely correct and in alignment.

It’s basically like the government is saying, “How dare you not allow me to steal from you?”

There’s no winning in that fuckloop - the two positions are diametrically at odds and neither would concede.

But it stands that Christopher, as a sovereign being who has not consented to being anyone’s property, is objectively in the right to oppose being interfered with.

But the interference extortion racket is the source of cash flow….


“Governments create the complaint, and then treat the complainer as a threat. Gross. We are no threat to anyone. We just want to live our lives. What is so hard go understand about that?”
The FBI Searched Me on LinkedIn