
“What the hell is going on?

I mean what the MACABRE MONDAY is going on!”

Good evening, good people of Macabre Monday!

I’m sneakin’ in a MM post, hope you don’t mind. 🤓 I saw Tremors (1990) for the very first time this past week. (All praise the YouTube gods!)

It left me a little speechless. 😆 But there have been SO many sequels made subsequently. It’s kind of wild that it’s basically a “franchise.” Foam graboids, Reba McEntire, preppers, and some excellent late 80’s/early 90’s cowboy fashion.

It’s considered a cult classic — but I would like to know why. If you’ve seen it and/or appreciate it, tell me: Why do people love this movie so much? What about this horror comedy appeals to you? Is it the punchy sense of humor? Is it because of Kevin Bacon? Or is it the Reba McEntire song heard over the end credits? I want to know!

Mad respect to the rest of The MM Team:


Be sure to check out the rest of the survivors:
