
I have been VIBRATING from the response of my most recent newsletter. Most of the comments brought me to tears. 


there’s a lot of discussion on what success means. There’s talk about numbers, likes, subscribers, etc. To me, my post was successful because of the incredibly thoughtful comments and conversations from people around the world sharing their own experiences with the feeling of otherness. I encourage you to read every single one of the comments. Notice the comments come from very different racial backgrounds, parts of the world, some immigrant, some multiracial... everyone has a personal story on how they saw themselves in relation to the environment around them, whether it’s what they read or watched, what their parents said to them growing up, or the messages their culture and society instilled in them.

Thank you to everyone who took the time to share their personal stories. I loved the opportunity to converse with you about our different yet shared experiences. Resonance is powerful.…

How do I recover from being whitewashed?
Repairing a childhood of self-loathing + a message to all the brown artists