Here is a glossary of some terms and their definitions that may be helpful and will be good to know in the Utopian World of the Future:

Ecumenism - All religions are the same so the belief in and practice of any one of them in particular is against the law because it's unfair to all the rest of them and it is too divisive. The State will make its own Religion for you to Worship.

Inclusivity — Everyone is equal and enjoys equal human rights so everyone must be exactly the same so as not to draw attention to our differences because that would be too divisive.

A Borderless World - Everyone is free to go wherever they want to, but must stay within 15 minutes of where they are, unless told otherwise, to preserve the Freedom and Safety of others. Geo-fencing will ensure your parameters.

Smart Homes, Smart Cities and the Internet of things - Everyone and everything will be hooked up to computers and Artificial Intelligences that will determine if and when you are allowed to open your door, drive your car or use other forms of transportation, which buildings, stores or parts of town you can get into, if your appliances will work or not, etc.

A Universal ID - This will allow for the IOT to work and make sure that we know exactly where you are and what you are doing at every moment. It will also prove to be extremely helpful to us for the next several terms:

A Universal Salary - You will own nothing and be happy. The Elite, who have to shoulder the burden of looking out for you, will provide you with a fair share of whatever is left and whatever you absolutely need to survive after they take their cut for shouldering the burden of looking out for you.

Electronic Banking -Makes your life so convenient! (Oh, and we can turn off your money anytime we think you have misbehaved and suddenly you're a non-person.)

Universal Health Care - Abortion and Euthanasia will ensure that there is plenty to go around for those who are deemed fit enough and useful enough to survive.

Disease X - COVID wasn't as deadly as we hoped it would be but Disease X will be. We will have to restrict everything you do, everywhere you go and everyone you meet up with for your sake and for the sake of everyone you may come in contact with.

And you will have to get whatever new 'Vaccine' and 'Boosters' we come up with, even if it is linked with a mysterious, undiagnosed, Sudden Death Syndrome or changes your physiology in ways we don't understand and can't predict. (Don't forget to sign the waiver releasing us from any legal liability for any adverse reactions up to and including, Death ☠️ Thank you for agreeing to be a guinea pig.)

Democracy vs Autocracy - It is tough to tell the 'Good guys' from the 'Bad guys' without a scorecard, but we will let you know who is who and will 'ask' for your support in killing the 'Bad guys' off whenever and wherever necessary.

Sustainability - there are just too damn many of you and most of you are either trouble makers or useless eaters so we will probably have to kill off as many of you as possible so there is more to go around for ourselves and the few slaves we will need to run things for us.

Climate Change - The weather is your fault. We will have to limit everything you do, everything you eat, everywhere you go and everything you have for your own good.

Peace and Safety - We will have to curtail most, if not all of your Civil Rights in order to provide these two for you but it will only be temporary for as long as necessary.

The Media/News/Education Complex - Trauma Based Mind Control for the Masses.

Bread and Circuses - You can rest assured that there will be plenty of each of these to keep you occupied when you are not doing the jobs that will be assigned to you.

The Third World War - Don't make us do it, but if it takes that to bring everybody to their knees and accept a One World Government, we will.

We hope that these definitions will help you to understand and to take your part in the Utopian World of the Future that is being planned for you.

Thank you for your cooperation!

Mar 5
1:17 PM