
Jack Russell with a love of liberty
Apocalypse Now: A Cascade of Disclosures
Farhad Noori, rejected asylum seeker in Germany, runs down 28 people at a trade union demonstration in Munich

Check out my new post!

Artificial Intelligence (or not)

Even if they change the rules like Matt suggests, it will only be the law-abiding, hard-working legal immigrant who will suffer. The ones who did everything right and who actually want to be here. The scuzzers will just sit tight and claim they can’t be deported because their cat might miss them.

One INSANE number you need to know

Of course “it’s not racism if it’s against White People because only White People are racists”. Isn’t that what they say? at their dinner parties in Islington or Oxford? Those stupid White People who are still at the top of the pile and think nobody will be coming for them.

Exclusive. I just exposed how the British Psychological Society has been captured by 'anti-racist' racists

Worth reading - I couldn’t have said it better!

When trust is gone

Read the rant from the angry man, Doug Brodie, who carrys on even though he never gets a reply! My MP never replies to me either. Because they are all self-serving, not very bright charlatans.

Climate Change and The Corruption of Science - Part 2
The corporate takeover of Theatre Westminster
The Enemy Without and Within

This’d do for the UK although Matt forgot to mention withdrawing from the WHO, the UN, NATO and any EU-affiliated quango.

MAGA: the UK Version.
BREAKING - Trump Signs Executive Order to Withdraw from the World Health Organization