
Since we creative sorts of people use our brains as our primary tool - and I'm a creative sort - I think and read often about thinking and reading… and mental health (hello


Today I read a newsletter (below) by

and it was good fodder for my thinking… where Mike talks about the false dilemma thinking bias I started thinking about how here in the USA creative business “coaches” and publishers often want us creatives to be either a writer OR a visual artist. A false dilemma if ever there was one!! My experience working with publishing outside the US is that they f'ing love it if you can do both!!!

In the fine art world in the US - if you're very careful - you can still find fine art galleries that don't mind if as an artist you create in BOTH 2d and 3d… But many commercial galleries here in the US want only one kind of thing from one artist.

Similarly to publishing outside the US it is more acceptable, more ‘normal’, that a fine artist will do their work in a wide variety of media and formats.

Anyway, this newsletter by Mike Sowden makes me wonder why so much of the US is doing simplistic false dilemma dichotomies. Perhaps for marketing reasons? Political ones? I dunno… but I find it curious.

And I remember again that we creatives aren't bound by these false dilemmas - we can do more, more play, more nuances… outside the false dilemmas!

Just go create stuff!!!!! And read this 👇…

How To Avoid Tripping Over Your Own Brain
An Everything Is Amazing encore edition!