The incoherence of the genderqueers finds sublime expression in Masha Gessen’s new piece in the NYT.
Take this total non sequitur passed off as profundity:
“In his Inaugural Address and one of his first executive orders, President Trump asserted that only two sexes exist: male and female, established at conception and immutable. Trans people, in other words, do not exist.”
Two things: Trump, to my dismay, did not actually say this. He said: “two genders.” Somehow the NYT fact checkers did not catch this. Will they run a correction as they should? Let’s see.
This matters because officially the queers argue that sex is different than gender and in all legal, social and political categories, gender should replace sex.
So according to Gessen’s own ideology, it does not follow at all that because only two sexes exist, trans people do not.
Trans people are either male or female by *sex*. Not a single human has ever produced eggs and sperm. But they identify as the opposite gender. So of course only two sexes does not imply trans people don’t exist. At all. The distinction between sex and gender is critical to the queers. But Gessen ignores that entirely.
I suspect a highly intelligent person like Gessen could write this because she almost never talks to anyone who disagrees with her. And literally no one at the NYT - I guarantee you - would ever dare challenge Gessen. Or correct her.