
The app for independent voices

What I say when people ask: what can I do to change the world?

There is no bad animal.

There are only animals who made bad experiences with humans.

Animals always find the good souls.

My dogs always tell me if a bad person is in front of me or a human.

Family night out! ♥️🍀 🌈

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What I say when people ask: what can I do to change the world?

Beatrix in all her glory.

#DailyUšandBeatrix in homage to #dailydinkles

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A Piping Plover rapidly taps its feet on coastal sand, hunting for prey. This clever "foot trembling" technique helps startle worms and insects to the surface.

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This is fantastic! You forgot about Michael Lewis. You have the basis for much better book and/or movie. Can the establishment's behavior be explained by their embarrassment? How did these smart, rich, and powerful people be so fooled? It's easier to obfuscate and muddle the situation than confront their inadequacies. Of course, this does not justify their behavior and inaction. Or, do you think it is more nefarious on their part?

1 Reply
Nov 6, 2023
1:46 AM