Newsletters like this one (that is to say: newsletters about theory of film criticism, for lack of a better word) rarely do spectacular numbers. But I just loved Alissa Wilkinson’s description of Joan Didion’s time as a film critic, and I love Didion’s critical ethos.
. I've bookmarked a number of your selections for future purchases. I completely agreee with you when it comes to Merry Edwards. It's one of my favorites. If anyone reading this lives in southern Nevada, Khoury's has it discounted by $10, so I can afford the full bottle;-) Cheers!
You always own your intellectual property, mailing list, and subscriber payments. With full editorial control and no gatekeepers, you can do the work you most believe in.
That sounds tough! I remember the vomiting toddler who would cry and push away any receptacle I was encouraging him to vomit into 😒 I'm in the UK and we don't celebrate Thanksgiving but I am grateful for a rarely vomiting child.