
Reader Response: DMX 2, “Bumps in the Night”- From Lance Bokinskie

Reports: Contact report to Co CO at 3rd platoon BP.

Platoon Orders

A: 2x squads establish 2x attack by fire positions along the ridgeline of Hill 130, pull in SW and SE LPs respective, establish comms with 1st Plt and MFP to develop situation and prep fire mission. Plt Sgt leads

B: 1x squad (on security) conduct hasty recon patrol in Plt zone until positive contact with ENY established or LOA. Once positive contact established A/B elements attack IOT to cease observation and develop situation. Plt Co leads.

(Overlay attached)

What do you think of his plan? Think you’ve got a better one? Drop it into the comments!

Feedback, questions, and debate are encouraged!…

Decision Making Exercise 02: Bumps in the Night
"Darkness is a friend to the skilled infantryman."- B.H Liddell Hart