For folks who are disheartened by the Substack founders’ response to the Substackers Against Nazis letter, a few thoughts:

TL;DR Whatever we do will have more impact if we do it together.

1) As I outlined below, this was always going to be their response; it always has been their response. But.

2) The Substackers Against Nazis letter got what we asked for: a response. Remember that there was no ultimatum given or action we said we would take. We wanted an answer to our question and we got that. From that lens, the letter was a success.

3) The question becomes what happens now. Some people will leave & that’s their choice. But the beauty of organizing is that there’s now an opportunity to push for change & make it better. Leaving removes any existing leverage you might have to move the needle here.

4) What frustrates me about the willingness to pack up & exit, particularly from users with more systemic privilege, is that they’re morally opposed to Nazis (good) but is leaving actually using that privilege & opposition to facilitate change? Have people most directly impacted by Nazis asked you to leave? Trans people asked folks to leave with us in 2021 & most people didn’t. But they’re willing to leave now when no one has explicitly made that ask.

5) If we all came together in solidarity to draft and sign a letter, why should the solidarity end now? True organizing means turning towards each other and continuing to act strategically & in continued solidarity. Maybe that looks like leaving. Maybe it doesn’t. But shouldn’t that be decided as a group so that it can have the most impact possible?

Thanks to

for her continued willingness to have and organize these conversations.

trans people are always the canaries in the coal mine
we called substack's nazi problem nearly three years ago