
The statistics are clear that our current educational system is failing boys, who in the 21st century are less likely to be “school ready” in kindergarten, proficient in reading by 4th grade, or graduate high school than female students. Authors like

, and others have done a superb job drawing attention to this problem. Sometimes missing, however, is a brass tacks picture of what a responsive education for boys might look like.

In reviewing a new book, “Becoming Homeschoolers,” by Monica Swanson, I found an excellent description of a model education for boys that doesn’t just apply to homeschoolers. It is based on the real-life educational experience of a mom with four sons, and their different routes to adulthood—including one who become a professional surfer right out of high school, combined with an online college degree, another who is able to tailor his schooling around golf, and many other interesting anecdotes.

Swanson’s recommendations include delaying (where appropriate) formal education for boys until they are developmentally ready, offering plenty of time for unstructured play and time outdoors, and also allowing older boys to take non-traditional paths into the workforce and college. Many girls need this too, of course, but for whatever reason, boys seem to be particularly struggling in the “one-size-fits all” approach used in many schools. It was encouraging to have an alternative education vision. You can read the review here:…

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2:26 PM
Aug 30, 2024