
Yesterday was spent hanging out with these girls - a beautiful Guernsey herd at Lacey’s farm in High Wycombe. It was a trip organised by

and I did the same one 8 years ago to the same farm. A lot has happened since then obvs. Making it interesting to reflect on how that time has treated this farm and the dairy industry. Some initial thoughts:

- In 2016 I don’t remember much chatter about non-dairy milks coming through and perhaps even threatening real dairy. But in that time we’ve seen the trend become huge - and now it’s ebbing off with the rediscovery of the full (fat) glory of real dairy. Which doesn’t come much more glorious than from these guernseys

- This particular farm has moved through a generation. Now run by the sons of the farm runners I met last time. That has brought an awareness of the need to diversify what the farm does so it can survive. Milk isn’t enough to make a living. 

- Connected to the last point: how farm subsidies have changed and the impact on farm management. 

So - fascinating. And delicious. Thank you

(And if anyone wants to know how to spot a prime guernsey cow ask - she won the competition grading them) 
