For everyone speaking, good, bad, or otherwise, heed your words, and make sure you are saying something of substance.
Here's the law in Florida about threats, Libel and slander, etc. You don't have to be a Florida resident to be charged. Jurisdiction is where the crime was committed, usually. If it's over the Internet, and you're saying something hateful, Slanderous, Libel, threatening, bullying, Etc., the Recipient party can request the jurisdiction be in the state where they live, not the state where you committed the act. The Internet is not a protected place.
My next thread, I will be posting the statutes for every one of our 50 states, and our Territories.
Even for those of you saying these things about me, I am still going to continue to do what I said I was going to do, which is advise you of your rights, and the law. It is public record. And if necessary, I will remind you that this is not legal advice, purely public information. You need to educate yourselves before you implicate yourselves. I would say stop the bullshit, but I think that's asking a little too much.
We all have the same freedom of speech, but the first amendment does not protect you against these things most of the time.
So unsolicited advice, proceed with caution.