
Secretive White House Surveillance Program Gives Cops Access to Trillions of US Phone Records (Wired)

This is the tip of the iceberg that is the mass surveillance state. Below is a quote from the article, followed by my analyst notes, and a few headlines depicting current trends and a potential dystopian future.

A WIRED analysis of leaked police documents verifies that a secretive government program is allowing federal, state, and local law enforcement to access phone records of Americans who are not suspected of a crime.

[Analyst note: Edward Snowden has warned about this for years. The true scope of collection would startle the average citizen. Assume everything you say is being recorded and passed through a vast set of super computers, using AI to parse for ‘word strings’ of interest, then scored and flagged for review. The next steps, if allowed, is to even further expand the mass surveillance to within the human body and mind - the Biosecurity state. This includes brain mapping, and reading thought patterns - like the new Apple Air Pods, or Meta’s new brain-mapping AI. Ultimately, the goal is to create a new “matrix” of control, in which humans cease to exist and live within a digital framework.]

Upcoming AirPods Might Be Able To Read Your Brain Waves (Beebom)

It is actively invested in transforming your AirPods, into a potential health and wellness tool with features like the ability to use airpods as hearing aids. And now it seems like the Cupertino tech giant has bagged a patent grant that will allow it to map your brain signals!

Meta Is Building AI That Reads Brainwaves. The Reality, So Far, Is Messy (Time)

Meta’s AI System Can Replicate Images in Your Brain in Milliseconds (PetaPixel)

Meta makes progress toward AI system that decodes images from brain activity (Coin Telegraph)

What’s the Ultimate Goal?

[From a metaphysical perspective: the transhumanist project is a longer term soul-capture mechanism 2.0 (or whatever version it is on), to further remove our divine spark from being able to see or seek the truth, thereby trapping souls in an endless loop of degradation, splitting, and reincarnation to feed the Archons and to perpetrate Lucifer/Yaldaboath’s plan. In effect, the Khazarian Mafia at the behest of their demonic overlords, are trying to create a reality within a reality, that resides within a greater reality - a difficult concept to grasp, as our materialistic existence may well be a holographic-thought projection, constrained by a partial creator, Yaldabaoth, the demiurge.]…………

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3:09 PM
Nov 21, 2023