
George Soros is paying student radicals who are fueling nationwide explosion of Israel-hating protests  (NY Post)

George Soros and his hard-left acolytes are paying agitators who are fueling the explosion of radical anti-Israel protests at colleges across the country.

The protests, which began when students took over Columbia University’s Morningside Heights campus lawn last week, have mushroomed nationwide.

Copycat tent cities have been set up at colleges including Harvard, Yale, Berkeley in California, the Ohio State University and Emory in Georgia — all of them organized by branches of the Soros-funded Students for Justice in Palestine (SJP) — and at some, students have clashed with police.

USCPR provides up to $7,800 for its community-based fellows and between $2,880 and $3,660 for its campus-based “fellows” in return for spending eight hours a week organizing “campaigns led by Palestinian organizations.”

They are trained to “rise up, to revolution.”

The radical group received at least $300,000 from Soros’ Open Society Foundations since 2017 and also took in $355,000 from the Rockefeller Brothers Fund since 2019.

An analysis by The Post shows that all three got cash from groups linked to Soros. The Rockefeller Brothers Fund also gave cash to JVP.

The fund is chaired by Joseph Pierson, and includes David Rockefeller Jr, a fourth-generation member of the oil dynasty, on its board of directors. The non-profit gives money to “sustainable development” and “peace-building.”

[Analyst note: this mirrors the George Floyd riots. The difference, this go around, is that far more people are aware of the machinations of globalist actors pulling the strings. This go around, there are far less police (defunded departments, further culled by mandates), softer laws, weak DAs, far more migrants, mass prison releases - means Riots 2.0 could be far worse.

Recalling the Problem - Reaction - Solution model, in which secretive groups operating within governments and behind the scenes stimulate a problem, then work with MSM and Big Tech to draw attention to the problem (when ready) to shape the reaction, so that prepared solutions can be brought in, with a duped population begging for their freedoms to be stripped in the name of safety, and security.

In this case, I can't help but wonder what shape these riots would need to take, or how they’d need to expand to capture a partially awakened population, or how bad it would need to be for people to be okay with increased police powers, National Guard deployments - leading to mass surveillance, arrests, use of AI cameras and algorithms (pre-crime), drones, Martial Law, and the restriction of movements (ultimately tied to 15-Minute Cities and ‘Climate Change’ agendas). This summer should be interesting.]

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