
European Vaccination Card will be piloted in five countries (EUVABECO)

‘A European Vaccination Card will enable informed vaccination, according to experts working on the EUVABECO project. Latvia, Greece, Belgium, Germany and Portugal will pilot the new tool from September.’

[Analyst note: EUVABECO is an EU program aimed at advancing vaccine development and production to enhance public health readiness. It focuses on innovative research, improving coordination among EU nations, and strengthening manufacturing capabilities. Critics of the program argue that it aligns with globalist conspiracies suggesting that it might be used to implement stricter health controls, including digital IDs, restricted movement, and increased tracking of travel under the guise ofpandemic preparedness. They claim these measures could pave the way for increased surveillance and control over personal freedoms in response to potential health crises like a bird flu pandemic.]

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1 Restack
2:19 AM
Jul 30, 2024