I needed BLACK BAG today. I needed Fassbender in his Harry Palmer glasses, Brosnan in his gorgeous suits riffing on his 007 years, Blanchett zipping up her knee-high leather boots before unleashing mayhem, I needed all of it.
Traveling? Don't become a target of anti-American sentiment
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I am doing another in the occasional Sinocism Live chats this Thursday March 20th at 8PM ET. My guest is Jon Czin, now of Brookings, before that at the CIA and the NSC. It should be a good conversation about US-China relations, Xi Jinping and PRC elite politics, and some other fun topics. If you are not yet a Sinocism subscriber please …
The best way you can take advantage of the current political chaos? With steady and steadfast leadership—which is what I’m talking about in this solo episode of the Energy Thinks podcast.
Ouch! I used to live in San Diego County. I'm glad I don't now. Until San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station (SONGS) was needlessly closed at the end of January, 2012 instead of being repaired, San Diego County had reasonably-priced power. In San Luis Obispo where I live near Diablo Canyon Power Plant (DCPP,) the base electricity cost from PG&E is only $0.41 / kWh with a peak price of $0.73 / kWh.
Well stated: ....So, the time is coming to bring down the myth to reality, but the damage has been done and the years of pounding against reliable energy from all corners have made our systems to deliver reliable power a very serious challenge indeed....
Thank you for this clear, succinct reporting Roger. A 12 March 2025 google search of both phrases "In bad faith" and "Michael Mann" yields no mainstream media coverage. You are reporting significant additional legal sanctions being applied against Michael Mann, Ph.D. whose initial lawsuit was similar to Mark Z. Jacobson, Ph.D.'s lawsuit …