I rewatched How I Met Your Mother for the first time in probably 10 years. Seasons 1-5 are a fun, somewhat inventive sitcom. Seasons 6-8 have some nice moments but are a bit redundant. I actually enjoyed most of season 9. But, wow, the ending is still so bad. The entire last two minutes of the show seems to undercut everything that came before.
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Robert Kennedy Jr.’s big bet is that he can turn institutionalists into paradigm shifting radicals (because modest reforms will not be enough to stave off collapse). It’s a crazy gamble. But I like the guy and hope it works. Quite literally the Republic itself and the future of humanity depend on Kennedy's wager paying off.
It’s not the strategy I would have chosen. I would have preferred to build the grassroots warrior mama army until we could overrun and flip the entire system from genocide to health (with Nuremberg 2 trials and all the rest). But Kennedy has been building that army for 20 years and by his own admission he has maybe 10 productive years left. So now he’s switching to a top down insider play based on the strength of his personality and his belief that evidence can force the system to transform itself.
I think the rest of us should keep building the grassroots army.