
The app for independent voices

I almost stopped writing because no one was engaging.

Then someone told me, “I’ve been reading everything you post.”

That’s when I realized: silent readers exist—and they matter.

So I kept writing, even when it felt like no one was watching.

Your words are reaching more people than you think.

Substack isn’t a video network, or a writing network, or an audio network. It’s a network of people who care about culture.

When I subscribe to your substack, I’m not subscribing to content. I am subscribing to you.

What's the combination of education and gender that leads to the highest level of religious attendance?

It's men with graduate degrees.

That's appeared consistently in the data since 2016.

You made it, you own it

You always own your intellectual property, mailing list, and subscriber payments. With full editorial control and no gatekeepers, you can do the work you most believe in.

What happens when you're camera shy?

I could never post this one enough.

Great discussions

Join the most interesting and insightful discussions.

C.S. Lewis’s advice to a young schoolgirl on how to become a better writer.

It is rather instructive…

BOE Needs World War Three

I grew up under the communists in Easter Europe, so I look at some of those political problems from a different perspective… There have always been hate and animosity among all the nations form the former Soviet influenced block driven by nationalism and the history of mistreatment…

When it comes to Israel vs Palestine issue at its roots it is a religious issue…People from those lands who realize what the problem really is - the religious and ethic hate - they often make peace and remove themselves from this conflict….

The monied interests moved a lot of Eastern Europeans to the Levant with a separatist and supremacist ideology. Problematic...

Where did you grow up, Thomas? Your last name is typically English, rarely Estonian, I read.

Hull (Hulle) last name also has German origins..

A variation on "hill" in that context, from Dutch origin

A lot of Germans ask me if I’m German….

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1 Reply
Aug 30
3:19 PM