Anyone else worried about what Substack is turning into? My understanding was that it used to be a place for nerds like you and me to try our hand at writing. But it seems that within five minutes from now it’s going to be essentially another crowd funding hub for videos and audio which I fear will drown out the written word.
Get yourself finally known on Substack. Your time for recognition is here.
I’ll go through as many of these as I can, and I’ll subscribe to what resonates, so feel free to pay it forward as well.
Best of luck my friends.
You made it, you own it
You always own your intellectual property, mailing list, and subscriber payments. With full editorial control and no gatekeepers, you can do the work you most believe in.
I haven't read the whole work. It is obvious you spent a lot of time writing down the emotional, cognitive and biological experience, your experience of a life time. I didn't read it all because I never thought like that. So a few replies to your thoughts.
> absolutely rock-solid science of evolutionary theory.
No scientific theory is rock solid. Why? Humans created it. And human points of view change, so our view of reality changes. No one view is absolute. My skepticism is so deep that…
Intelligence or consciousness IS reality as I understand it. We see some of that expressed as material reality, some we think of as emotion, some as thought. That the western mind wishes to apportion these forms into separate categories creates so many problems; the 'hard question' of consciousness, and the debate between two nonsensical ideas of evolution vs intelligent design another.