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Promoting a Cult, for the "Good" of Society

Great article, and if you don't mind I'll provide a recent example I've come across:…

"About 3 in 5 voters plan to get the new Covid booster"

This is how they try to convince you that doing what they want puts you in the majority (sometimes they come out and say "on the right side"). "We're all doing this thing, so you should do it, too!"

I'm old enough to remember when peer pressure was bad -- now government uses it against us.

There's simply no way that I believe that 60% of "voters" are planning on getting a booster. Before they yanked the stats, booster uptake was something like 15% -- and every 'new' booster that comes out makes the 'anti-vaxxers' look more and more sane when we said that they'd never be fully vaccinated.

They aren't real numbers. Just like the artificial political polls these are used to sway the perception and opinion of the public. Fear of missing out (FOMO) works extremely well on those without a solidly defined sense of self. These types look for bandwagons to join because they do not know what they stand for and so they adopt a position from the crowd. NPC is a adequate term to describe them.

The following are lessons they never bothered to learn:

It’s better to walk alone than with a crowd going in the wrong direction. —Gandhi

Fear has two meanings - Forget Everything And Run or Face Everything And Rise. The choice is yours. —Proverb

They laugh at me because I'm different. I laugh at them because they're all the same. —Cobain

4 Replies
Sep 18, 2023
8:03 PM