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A simple cabbage but full of beautiful geometric patterns.

Poor baby. I'm glad she was taken care of. 🙏

I had a feeling you needed this peaceful beauty in your life today. I know I did…

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Ophelia, sculpted by Sarah Bernhardt in 1880

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Breaking--AAPS Files Amicus Brief Against Biden Administration’s Censorship

Peter and all,

Not sure why all the excitement over this case???

If decent doctors and scientists had UNITED, yes UNITED with Janci Lindsay, PhD to work TOGETHER with strategic planners the STOP THE VACCINE goal would have been accomplished LONG AGO…saving lives!

What should have been the #1 priority of all decent health professionals 4 years ago got lost? How incredibly shameful after over 17 million continuing global vaccine murders!

Entering our British Common law courts, yes that’s right BRITISH COMMON LAW COURTS to get a Constitutional ruling requires serious expertise that most lawyers at all levels do NOT have…and certainly NO scientists or doctors have!

Strategic planners are a necessity when entering our courts IF you want to win! Why? Because our courts are serious battlegrounds stacked in general AGAINST THE PEOPLE!

Why are doctors and scientists NOT understanding such a simple concept such that their priority LONG AGO should have been to work with THE BEST strategic planners…only to get distracted with things that do not matter???

These STRATEGIC PLANNERS whose advise these doctors and scientists chose UNWISELY to ignore a long while ago have serious expertise to win Constitutional decisions like STOPPING THE VACCINE in our British Common Law Courts!

Mike Yeadon stated online that he loves Janci Lindsay, phD…as I do!

Why? Because she has an enormous heart for humanity and is swamped doing the right things…whipping her colleagues together to work with serious strategic planners to…


I know Janci and the strategic planners and they are THE BEST America has to offer!

How come the scientists and doctors are still pussyfooting around as the global murders continue…even with the existence of a mountain of evidence without any reasonable doubt to…


P.S. I see no heroes among the doctor and scientist groups YET…only Janci if she can get her colleagues FINALLY moving in the right direction to STOP THE VACCINES…to stop the murders!!!

1 Reply
Feb 10, 2024
3:13 PM