
Countering the establishment propaganda with a Truth Tsunami. You can read my Sci-fi and fantasy in the Tsubion Stories section.

DOGE brings efficiency, sweeps away govt corruption, was the highest authority in Venetian oligarchy. Will Trump's technocrats become like gods?

DOGE: Efficiently Flip-Flopping Into The Totalitarian Technocratic Transhumanist Endgame Plan

Louis Pasteur's germ hypothesis, which formed the basis of his germ "theory" of disease, was never scientifically proven. He was motivated to profit from vaccines, many of which were linked to causing the very diseases they were claimed to prevent.

For more, please see these articles:


2. viroliegy.com/2022/02/2…

3. viroliegy.com/2024/08/2…

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The Illusion of A Virus