Excellent Points made. Here are my two cents:

I think that we have to remember that individuals like DBroze, JCorbett, and the others you mentioned are still journalists. Conspiratorial, but still journalists. Because of this, in their world I imagine, they need concrete, solid evidence, supported by other concrete evidence.

With this topic and others, like flat earth, space, dinosaurs, and more, we agree that the foundational studies (e.g., in this case, studies that claim isolation of virus) are clearly faulty, however, these foundational studies have been "supported" upon "supported" upon "supported." I think for our journalist friends, they can't simply say that "these foundational studies are wrong," when there's a mountain of "evidence" that has been built off these foundational studies.

Ultimately, what I'm trying to say is that I don't think our journalist friends have the same pleasure of us for relying solely on our "intuition." I imagine that many of our friends, "intuitively" know "something's afoot" but they can't come out and say it as they still have a journalist reputation to uphold. (Shout out to Ryan for at least acknowledging the illusion of COVID).

To close, we can't rely on our journalist friends to address certain topics - it is simply out of their domain. However, I think there are new voices arising that are looking to put some thought and research into these topics, which is all that can be asked for.

If any one is interested in learning about why space, dinosaurs, and a globe earth are all fake, I invite you to subscribe to my substack and check out the links below:





Globe Earth:


I call these topics, and more, part of the "tenants of scientism." Scientism has built our world with this religious following and I discuss that here:


My attempt to address some misconceptions
In a recent panel with Derrick Broze, Whitney Webb, Ryan Christian and Matthew Ehret there were some talk about the debate regarding “viruses” where I felt that I have to address some of the misconceptions that these people have. DB made a clip of this that can be found here titled “