Efrat Shalom, I read with interest your comprehensive, well research article about Chemtrails and Climate Engineering and here are my comments below:

1. Regarding existence of Chemtrails, they are as real as it gets, one could notice them in the skies over Petach Tikva, Holon, Ancaster where I am now in Canada, Toronto, London England, or Melbourne, Australia. The lack of transparency on Chemtrails by world governments, bodes similarities to the lack of candor regarding the Corona PLAN-DEMIC.

2. The hoax of global warming is the greatest hoax perpetrated on humanity. In second place stands the hoax of the Corona PLAN-DEMIC. The so called UN scientists, are engaging in pseudo-science, ie tampering with the satellite data, to try and correspond with their flawed models. So are NASA and NOAA so called "scientists". Many wait until retirement to come out of the closet and expose the criminality of data tampering for the sake of obtaining budgets from Congress. Please refer to the video of Senate hearing from 2014 in which Senator Ted Cruz lambasted the head of the Sierra Club for not admitting that since 1998 there is NOT warming whatsoever, that's why the warm mongers, changed the terminology from global warming to climate change. They invented a new term the PAUSE, because internally they all know their models are flawed and do not reflect reality. In Israel, there is Professor Nir Shaviv from the Hebrew University, who in the past discussed openly the hoax of anthropogenic warming, but lately he took some pause, probably does not want to jeopardize his career.

3. If there was some warming, it would be a good thing, not a bad thing. At about 0.04% CO2 (400ppm-parts per million) in the atmosphere, we are slightly above starvation limit. Below 300ppm, humanity will experience mass starvation. Increased CO2 in the atmosphere is extremely beneficial, it helps green the planet, rejuvenate the rain forests, increase food yields for a growing population. Amongst the greenhouse gases, concentration of CO2 is also negligible, at less than 2% it does not have any significant effect on warming. 95% of greenhouse gases are water vapours. CO2 is beneficial to humanity and should not be tampered with. Only the enemies of humanity would want to tamper with the gas of life, which without it life on our planet would not exist. They are willing to spend tens of billions of $$ to solve a problem which does not exist. It exist only in their malevolent imagination.

4. Climate does not lend itself to mathematical modelling, because there are too many unknown parameters. All models created by IPCC, NASA, NOAA are flawed and never corresponded with reality. Instead of discarding them as pseudo science, they double down with their lies and deception. Real scientists know that CO2 does not cause warming. The Al Gore movie Inconvenient Truth is filled with falsehoods, especially the graph by which he shows that throughout history increase or decrease of CO2 caused warming or cooling. It is categorically false. He put the wagon before the horse. Warming or cooling throughout history was caused by the Sun as proven by the Millankovski cycles. About 50-70 years following a long warming period, the oceans which form about 2/3 of the earth surface, release trapped CO2 to the atmosphere. Following cooling periods, also determined by the intensity of the SUN, excess CO2 will be trapped back in the depths of the oceans. Therefore, the cycle is complete opposite to what Al Gore explained in his fake movie. CO2 trails warming, CO2 categorically does not cause warming.

5. Currently according to the Millankovski cycles we are in a period of GRAND SOLAR MINIMUM, the solar activity is low, so many REAL scientists (including my daughter who has a PhD in Environmental Engineering) opine that we are in a mini ice age.

Jul 13, 2023
12:11 AM