
"Oh, what a tangled web we weave, when first we practice to deceive!" (Sir Walter Scott, 1808).

It makes me sick to my stomach when patriarchal power is used to exploit women and children — and men. It takes dreadfully twisted minds to turn the tables on the victims! Russell Moore’s words sear the core of my being.

“[The] report is so damning that Russell Moore’s first reaction was to say: ‘I was wrong to call sexual abuse in the Southern Baptist Convention…a crisis. Crisis is too small a word. …

During the High Renaissance 40,000-50,000 people, presumed threat to the church’s beliefs, were burned as witches. The majority being women. Power becomes its own evil.

Exactly, Berry. "Power corrupts, absolute power corrupts absolutely." There is no religion that does not have abusive leaders among its believers. While all present day religions are male dominant, I'll resist the easy cliche that men misuse women. The truth, I think, is all about power and its tendency to delude those who wield it. HCR's letter today really ties that aspect together. If abusiveness has tentacles in every religion, it's doing fine in the secular world, too. I'm just about physi…

I have felt we were in a batman movie since 2016, or earlier, and not there are any superheroes to save Gotham City. Maybe WE are the superheroes?

I like how you think. We just may be the Superheroes! Maybe it is time that the superheroes remove their masks and join us.

I remember that Stan Lee did a Spiderman story on a young man that had been sexually abused who is rescued by Spiderman; in conversation, Spiderman (aka Peter Parker) reveals that he, too, had been the victim of sexual abuse as a young boy.

There's a decent Chicago Times article on this:

Also a Virginia Commonwealth University Libraries rundown of it:

1 Reply
May 24, 2022
1:36 PM